Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Double workout day

... well, not exactly, but that's how it felt!

One of my professional hats is as a "declutterer" - assisting people in their homes and offices to get rid of what they don't want or need, and leaving space to be able to find and use what they do. I spent Monday working with Anne-Marie, a new client, and we had a highly productive and satisfactory time making inroads into the outside storage areas. There's nothing like manhandling piles of rubbish, recycling, stuff for car-booting etc. to work the muscles!

I'd promised myself faithfully that I'd go to the gym this evening - it was on my way home, for goodness' sake - and despite driving there feeling my muscles screaming you cannot be serious, I ignored them and managed a full workout. 10 minutes warmup, 20 on the Nautilus, 10 on the cross-trainer, followed by an hour of assorted weights and resistance equipment. No surprise, though, that there were less reps managed than on my previous visit; the phrase fatigued took on a whole new meaning. My final task of the day was to pick up a few items from the supermarket, and by that time I was ready to curl up in the trolley and fall asleep!

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