Wednesday 20 June 2007

New web resource

I have discovered an excellent new forum for mutual support, encouragement and the occasional bit of gentle bullying. Just what I need. The Runner's World UK website cropped up when I was Googling for another 5K to train for (more of that in a moment), and the friendly banter that goes on in their forums - not to mention sensible advice - is well worthwhile. The lists of races, searchable by distance, county and all manner of other criteria, are very helpful. Check it out.

Oh, and the 5K? I don't feel a 10K is realistic yet (which is the distance for the next set of Cancer Research events - hopefully I'll be ready for that in a few months' time), but I need another target for the near future. It turns out that the Wroxham 5K series, courtesy of the Norwich Road Runners, is just what I need. One (of the series of three) has already happened, the second is coming up in a few days' time, but the third is on 22nd August, just before our holiday. It's a race rather than a fun-run, but apparently regarded as beginner-friendly, and there are no scary limitations - like getting through the first half of the race in ten minutes flat (!).

So my aim for this race is to (obviously) run the whole thing; maintain a ten-minute-mile as far as possible; and therefore to finish in something under 34 minutes - preferably 32 or 33. I've got two months to do it - I reckon this is possible. Watch this space.

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